
and to die is gain

"The Joy of Serving Christ in Spite of Troubles" {Phil1:12-24}
* Background
- Paul the author (approx. 61 AD)
- Written from Roman prison
- Philippi site of first European church founded by Paul {Acts16}
* "Joy is a supernatural delight in the person, purposes, & people of God"
- Joy a gift to believers from God
- Joy experienced most fully when we are obedient
* Not losing my joy because of circumstances (v12-14)
- Paul's imprisonment served to advance Gospel (v12)
- Advance = military term used to describe pioneer front-running
- Chains gave courage to fellow believers ("blood of Christians is seed of the church")
* Not losing my joy because of critics (v15-18a)
- More important than others' opinion of you? Preaching of the Gospel of Christ
* Not losing my joy because of possible death (v18b-24)
- v23: "depart" = take down tent and move on
* Application
- Choose to focus on God's purpose at present
- Choose to remember God's overall plan
- Choose to live to honor Christ
- Choose to view death from God's perspective

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