
has really risen and has appeared

I surprised you with multiple Cruise references, and even a double dose of Ben Stein. You think that will prepare you for a NASCAR reference? With a headline like that, it shouldn't surprise you.

That word -- "resurrect" -- is used rather casually by people. They speak of it in reference to careers that need a spark, to stalled projects at work, to failing businesses, to relationships being restarted. We see Frankenstein and think of monsters being brought back to life as a plotline.

But the profound nature of such an impossible act should never be taken casually, and should never lose its wonder. There is no grander miracle than death made life, none grander. Death is the end of the road, the absolute final stop. And to suddenly reverse course is not something common, or something plain. It is the most shocking reversal possible.

Never lose the wonder in relation to that word. A lamb on a cross paid for that word, made it the special word that it is.

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