
at a loss to know of which one

Something in 2Sam24 has been stuck in my head this week, and that is the Lord giving David his choice of punishment. After the mistake of trusting in the census rather than in God, David is presented three options: 7 yrs of famine, 3 months of being pursued by enemies, or 3 days of pestilence. They decrease in longevity of suffering, but increase in magnitude and severity. Myself, I go with the shorter duration of stronger pain just to get it over with. David instead shows his heart's submission by letting God do the choosing and accepting whatever fate might befall him.

Can't decide if I wish it were like that now, being given the choice of punishments after a mistake. On one hand, you'll know what to expect. On the other hand, all doubt is removed that you are the cause of certain misery. When I was a kid one time, my dad gave me the choice of picking which stick I'd be hit with. That choice didn't lessen the subsequent pain. Methinks the Lord's punishment is no different, and David's resignation to the consequence the best route.

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