
crying out with a loud voice to Him

"The Privilege of Prayer"
* Reasons for Prayer
- It brings us into deeper relationship w/ God
- It expresses our trust in God, and helps our trust deepen {Luke11:9-12, Matt21:22, Mark11:24, Jam1:6-8, Jam5:14-15}
- In prayer God allows us to be involved in activities that are eternally significant {Matt6:10}
- In praying we give glory to God {Matt26:36-42}
* Effectiveness of prayer
- It often changes the way God acts {Luke11:9-10, Ex32:11-14, 2Chron7:14}
- Effective prayer is made possible by our mediator, Jesus Christ {1Tim2:5, John16:23, Heb4:14-15, Heb10:19}
- We are to pray in Jesus' name (in His authority & power) {John14:13-14, John16:23-24, Acts3:6, Acts4:7-10, Acts16:18}
- Possibly okay to pray to Christ and Spirit directly {Acts1:24, Acts7:59, 2Cor12:8}
* Important considerations in effective prayer
- Pray according to His will {1John5:14-15, Matt6:10}
- Pray w/ faith {Mark11:24, Heb11:1,6}
- Disobedience is hindrance {Prov15:29, Prov28:9, 1John3:21-22}
- Confession of sin important {Matt6:12, Isa59:2}
- Forgiving others important {Matt6:14-15, Mark11:25}
* Praying for lost
- Praying for lost a passion of Paul {Rom10:1}
- Necessary because Gospel foolishness to world {1Cor1:18, 2:14}
- Pray for God to open their minds {2Cor4:4}
- Pray for Him to work in them so they can believe {John6:44, 65}
- Intercession for lost to be a priority in our lives {Rom10:1, 1Tim2:1-4, Luke18:1}
- Write down names & make commitment to pray for lost {Isa49:16}
- When we pray daily, God gives us courage & boldness {Acts4:31, Ex4:10-12}
- Corporate prayer important {Acts1:14, 4:23-24, 16:25-26, 6:4, 12:5, 12:12}

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