Forgive the title -- it's not mine. Perhaps the most level-headed description of baptism EVER in any Prot church. Still some
craziness in there that need to be checked out, but on balance, I'll
take the acceptance.
"What's Up with Baptism?"
* Comes from
baptizo and
bapto. 6 refs in OT but 82 refs in NT (clear that it takes an important place in the NT and the new covenant)
* True baptism is a baptism of repentance, a change of the heart. Thus, type of ritual used not as important. Analogy of wine v grape juice in communion -- not the "level of fermentation" that is important in the ceremony, but the heart.
* Acts2:36-38, 8:12, 8:34-38 make it clear that it is for all believers.
* Infant dunking: sequence important (1. Repent 2. Baptism). We'll see.
* Doesn't have anything to do with salvation. But commanded nonetheless.
* Matt10:32-33/Gal2:20 -- public profession